Torchlight has received the following communique from The Mildred Harnack Appreciation Society. We repost it here in its entirety.
This week’s City Paper featured a story on woman tattoo artists by freelance “journalist” Kat Rutt. The piece included a picture of Lettia Suchevich, a white supremacist with a swastika tattooed on her right arm, and wearing a t-shirt advertising a fascist metal band called Aggravated Assault. The backlash was immediate. City Paper was swamped with calls, emails, and social media posts, and quickly removed the story from their web site and apologized. The Mildred Harnack Appreciation Society thanks City Paper for alerting Pittsburgh, however inadvertently, to the presence of a Nazi in our midst, and offers the following additional information in the hope that it may be useful.
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